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LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, October 4, 2010

Some Days are a Total Waste of Makeup

Nothing went right today.  First, I called the clinic to confirm my appointment with the radiation oncologist. When I made the appointment I learned that there are no radiation oncologists in my insurance network in a 100 mile radius of my city, but I could request permission to go "out of network" to see the doctor at my regular clinic. I still don't understand why that doctor doesn't join the network, but regardless: the insurance company had not yet responded to the request for permission, so my appointment had to be rescheduled for next week.

Next up was the shower. Nothing scary there, right? Yeah, I thought so, too. Until a tile fell off the wall. The wall behind it was mush. Apparently, the grout has been damaged for a while and the drywall behind it was soaking up the shower water like a sponge. There's no easy fix for that. We have to take off all the old tile, replace the drywall with cement board, and put up a new surround. I've been wanting to do something about the ugly faded terracotta tile but the alternatives were cost prohibitive. Right now is not the best time to be raiding the savings account, either. But it's our only shower, so there really is no choice.

Since my mood was pretty much shot, after my shower I put on a fresh pair of jammies (at 1 in the afternoon) and called the bath tub repair places in the area to schedule estimates.  Then I called my mom to make sure we could use her shower until ours is fixed.  Right about then, Walker fessed up to the fact that he really doesn't like the look of our bathroom, so as long as we're having work done he'd like to do a fresh coat of paint and a new shower curtain.  The kicker is, I have to choose the colors.  Sure, honey, I'll get right on that.  I'm not looking forward to it since I chose the current decor, which apparently he hasn't liked since I put everything in five years ago.  I went online and found three options that I loved, but he vetoed all three of them.  I offered to get dressed so we could go to a department store and take a look, but he didn't feel like driving me.  (Officially, I'm not supposed to be driving myself yet, though I'm not taking any meds so I probably could.)  Yep, this is going to be a fun project.

Finally, Walker's work schedule changed.  He now starts working at midnight.  That means he'll be sleeping in the afternoons, so I have to find another driver to take me to my appointments.  I also have to try to be quiet in the afternoons.  I'll need to start getting up earlier to run the dishwasher and blow dry my hair before he goes to bed.  He's been working so much overtime, I'm glad that his company is making changes to give the crew a break, but we're both going to have to make some adjustments.  

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