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LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Spendy Mart, Now Open!

Every night on my way home from work I pass a brand new, 24 hour grocery.  Every night I think, I should stop in there, but I really want to get home.  I wanted to get home tonight, too, but I stopped in anyway, as I made out the shopping list for Thanksgiving dinner and I wanted to check out the produce department in the new store.

That is one pretty produce department, LOL!  Everything is bright and colorful and pristine.

The problem with shopping at 4am is that there are stockers blocking the aisles with pallets full of merchandise.  The floor buffer guys are hard at work and the noise level is pretty high.  I think a couple employees offered to help me but I couldn't actually hear them.  I'm used to all that, though, cause I often stop at the store after work.  What I had a hard time with were the shelf tags.

How long has bread cost $4.89 a loaf?

I don't often buy bread, and the loaf  I picked up today was for Bro, who likes whole grain stuff.  The white was a bit cheaper.  When I do buy bread I get artisan sourdough from Walmart's bakery - makes great toast - and that runs about $2.50 for a large loaf.  We needed some soup for a casserole, too, and that was $1.39.  Last time I bought soup it was under a dollar.  They had Snapple on sale, so I got a 6 pack of diet raspberry tea, and along with the soup and bread that was all I bought.  The prices seemed too steep for any more shopping.  I guess that's the tradeoff for a really pretty produce department.


  1. Groceries are so high and Joe does the shopping but he will notice a price jump right away. He is not a good meat shopper. Once I get all the leftover chicken and cake left over from my birthday out, of the freezer I will make a run to the meat market close to us. My son Ron brought a cake and his wife was in another car so she thought she was supposed to pick the cake up and Joe Bought a cake. Take care.

  2. The produce department sounds great. I only pay $2.50-$2.89 for a loaf of bread. That $4.89 seems a little steep. But EVERYTHING is going up. I'm a nightowl so I often shop late too. You set the scene perfectly. Floor polishers making floor too slippery to walk on it. Pallets blocking the aisle I want to see. Sometimes it becomes a real pain in the rear. LOVE Snapple Tea. Have you tried the TropARocka flavor? It's really delicious. Under $5 for a six pack here. Take care.

  3. TropARocka is fabulous. Bret Michaels ain't bad, either, LOL.
