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Monday, October 8, 2012

Free Cycling

A couple weeks ago, my mom thinned some perennials from her flowerbed.  That late in the season, she figured she'd have to toss them in the compost bucket, and she was pretty unhappy about that.  Then my sister in law told us about Free Cycle, and we decided to give it a shot.

Free Cycle is a website designed to help people find new homes for things they can no longer use.  You can list an item for give away, or you can post a request for something you need.  No money changes hands, but sometimes people offer to swap.  Some of the people who accepted my mom's perennials asked if we wanted anything from their gardens, but my mom is happy with her current flowerbeds so she declined. 

I was pretty happy with how easy the process was, and how nice everyone was.  It seemed like a fabulous way to distribute items that otherwise would go to waste.  So we listed a few more things for give away.  And that's when we got bit in the rear.

You would think that someone who responds to a give away would have the courtesy to show up at the agreed upon time to collect their item.  Of the four items we listed, only two people showed up on time.  The other two didn't show up at all.  When I emailed them, they both gave lame excuses and rescheduled, only to skip the appointments again.  Meanwhile, I'm sitting over at my mom's waiting for these people, because I don't like the idea of her inviting strangers into her home when she is alone.  The whole thing was a huge waste of time and I doubt I'll do it again, unless she has more perennials next year.  Those can be left outside and it's no big whoop if nobody shows up to collect them.


  1. That is a good idea the give away's. You mentioned I was a devoted dog lover to Spunky and I just had to remind you of your kitty. You would have given anything for that kitty to get well. Wecan't always make it happen.

  2. Free Cycling sounds so good if people could be trusted, but sorry to say, they can not be.
